❖ Why do we offer the option to directly
sponsor another participant who can’t afford it?
As our global community is based in a variety of economies, the value of money is different for each of us. In creating this festival, we would like to keep this awareness in mind and to find a creative way to deal with the privilege gap those from different economies and socio-economic backgrounds are living with on a daily basis.
We recognize that for many people within a large number of wide, active, and resilient NVC communities around the world, the course prices are out of reach and not in line with their local economic situation.
This is why we offer you the chance to directly sponsor another participant by selecting the payment you wish and able to pay.
This also contributes to our overall sustainability and our ability to offer more spaces like this program in the future.
Past Scholarship recipient writes:
“[It is] really indescribable how much this experience touched and touches me, me, how vital and important it is to me, to life, how much this rare opportunity moves and inspires me. It is really something that was previously unimaginable to me.
A dream. A dream. I really want to thank you for making something accessible also online, during the pandemic, and for different people from different places and conditions on the planet. Thank you for the chance of being with you, together, co-existing with you, with all of you.”
Thanks to your support, we were able to give over 200 scholarships in the previous 2 cycles. This time, we hope we can top this number.